Presentation of MedTOWN project & BelaFlor Agroforest in the context of the European Day for Sustainable Communities.

On Thursday 30th of June, Cristina Sousa from MedTOWN’s Portuguese partner ‘Junta de Freguesía de Campolide’ will present ميدتاون & Bela Flor Respira – Agrofloresta Urbana de Campolide – Comboa as a means for sustainable communities in the context of the European Day for Sustainable Communities.
The European Sustainable Communities Day is being organised since 2017. On 2021, it will take place on 18 September, and many events are being celebrated throughout Europe in this context. This is the 2nd webinar in Portugal leading to this day, preparing and sowing the seeds for the Sustainable Communities Week from 11 to 19 September. Join this webinar to learn everything you will need to co-organise and integrate this initiative from the beginning.
Cristina Sousa is MedTOWN coordinator in Portugal, linked to the Bela Flor Agroforestry project, MedTOWN’s Demonstrative Action in Portugal through the Department of Innovation of Junta de Freguesia de Campolide. She is a forestry engineer & member of Zero Waste Lab – Associação Lixo Zero.
She will be sharing the table with Gil Penha-Lopes (biologist, researcher at FCUL, co-founder of ECOLISE, activist of the regenerative movement in Portugal, in several projects – HabitaRegen, Círculo Regenerativo, Regenisis, Red Local de ODS); Rui Vasques, Founder of the Association “Living with the Earth”, eco-designer graduated in IADE; social and environmental entrepreneur, linked to permaculture design, art and eco-construction on earth; and moderator, Alexandre Pereira, NCP, ECOLISE Portugal, representing HabitaRegen; The Creactivist – Creative Brand Catalyst, and member of the Board of Gaia Education.
More info about the project: MedTOWN supports development of community agroforestry project in Portugal
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