ميدتاون تنطلق في الأردن: كيف تضع خطة اجتماعية وتجارية لمشروعك الصغير؟

How to develop a social and business plan for your small project? With this question and a long-awaited passion, the first session of the face-to-face training began at MedTOWN Social Business Incubator on 7th of March 2022, with the first group of twenty beneficiaries selected from among people with disabilities (PWD), women and refugees from Al-Koura & AL-Mazar districts in Jordan. Four more groups will follow, to attend the training over a period of 19 days each, at the incubator facilities in Al-Koura District, until the 100 people selected have been formed through the first phase of the demonstrative action.
With this demonstrative action, JOHUD seeks to establish a nucleus of social entrepreneurship projects that contribute to providing solutions to social problems faced by the beneficiaries, by supporting them to become entrepreneurs in the social and solidarity economy sector through providing an integrated environment for them, and supporting them to build and develop their intellectual and entrepreneurial skills in the field of social businesses.
The opening session was attended by the Director of Social Development in Al- Koura District as a representative of the Jordanian Ministry of Social Development (MoSD) and representatives of the Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD), MedTOWN project partner in Jordan.
As part of the selection process, candidates pitched an initial set of ideas for their social businesses. Their insights were as diverse as sewing; drawing on glass; a legal interpreting center; cultivation of a sugar substitute; a cultural and educational center; a training center in the formation of mosaic panels; a rural women support center; and production of paper cups employing more PWD.
The training will continue with awareness sessions and expert level training sessions, addressing topics as: how to start your small business; bookkeeping & management for small and medium social enterprises; or social marketing of small and medium social enterprises. A second phase of implementation will give additional support on Consultancy Services and Funding & Financing resources, for the 20 best social and solidarity economy (SSE) initiatives from the first one, to connect them with possible sources of funding and markets.
MedTOWN project in Jordan is developed by JOHUD with the close cooperation of the Jordanian Ministry of Social Development (MoSD), associated partner in the project, which is helping in advocating at the policy making level and has provided the facilities for the Social Business Incubator where JOHUD is operating to co-produce services for people with disabilities.
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