يحلل MedRiSSE الممارسات الجيدة ليتم تكرارها من خلال مجموعة أدوات البحر الأبيض المتوسط

The Mediterranean Replication Toolkit is part of the essence of the MedRiSSE project and its main objective is to analyze a series of successful and efficient practices carried out in the participating countries so that they can be replicated in other places.
These social innovation examples of enabling the co-production of public services in collaboration with Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) entities will be key for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in general, and for the protection of economic and social rights of the most vulnerable groups in post-Covid19 economies in the Mediterranean Basin.
Last December 15th 2021, the presentation workshop within the framework of MedRiSSE project was led by our Italian partner ARCO – Action Research for CO-Development (PIN S.c.r.l., Educational and Scientific Services for the University of Florence, Italy), in charge of the elaboration of the Mediterranean Toolkit, one of the central tools of the project.
ARCO presented the methodology and main conclusions after the preliminary literature review, both of which were the first stages of the work to be carried out. Then, they introduced the development path towards the final product (Mediterranean Replication Toolkit) together with a timeline of the next steps to be addressed to reach the final delivery of the tool.
Throughout MedRISSE progress and following the elaborated evaluation framework , ARCO will assess the potentials and barriers to the scalability of co-production models and entrepreneurial and social innovation activities that were developed by ميدتاون, MoreThanAJob, MedUP, RUWOMED & IESS, European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) funded projects. Finally, drawing from the assessment results, ARCO will elaborate 5 Roadmaps for scalability for each of the project outputs and contribute to their dissemination.
Thus, the first task that our partners are carrying out is the identification of the good practices to be assessed and, soon after that, the fulfilment of a questionnaire elaborated to collect the necessary data for the assessment. Specifically, among other required information, partners will explain why they chose these initiatives as good practices and how they were implemented, as well as which actors and resources were involved.
This phase of the questionnaires is expected to last from March to June 2022, when the next steps of the plan drawn up by ARCO will continue: data analysis, evaluation and preparation of the 5 roadmaps.
To know more about ARCO’s work for MedRiSSE project, click here