MoreThanAJob is a project funded by the EU under the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme with a budget of €2 million, out of which €1.8 million as EU contribution and 10% as co-financing.
This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union under the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme.
The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of ANNU and CESIE and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or the Programme management structures.
Background situation
The financial crisis in Europe, as well as the unstable financial and political situation in many Mediterranean Partner Countries, has made apparent that new and credible alternatives to the mainstream economy are needed.
These transformations in the economy and the society have brought increased attention to the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) actors that have been capable of helping to turn the challenges into opportunities.
The expression Social and Solidarity Economy refers to a broad range of organisations that have explicit economic and social objectives as well as involve varying forms of co-operative, associative and solidarity relations.
Examples are:
Mutual societies
Social enterprises
Nevertheless, in order to make efficient the SSE initiatives, effective collaboration with public authorities is fundamental.
The aim
MoreThanAJob will enforce social inclusion of vulnerable, unemployed populations by applying best practices for more effective collaboration of the Social and Solidarity Economy actors with the public administration.
Main beneficiaries
Public authorities involved in the delivering of services in the field of education and employment.
SSE organisations active in the field of education, training and employment Vulnerable groups as unemployed, low-skilled people and refugees.
Main activities
Report of international good practices for effective cooperation between SSE and public administration to reinforce social inclusion of
vulnerable groups as unemployed, low-skilled people and refugees.
Development of MoreThanAJob Framework by adapting international good practices to local features.
Training seminars to SSE actors and public administration representatives Financial support to SSE actors to implement innovative SSE-Public administration cooperation initiatives.
Recommendations for translation of the MoreThanAJob framework in effective programmes and policies at national level MoreThanAJob portal as online cooperation space between the different stakeholders.

4 September 2019 –
3 September 2022

The project in numbers
- 3 Train-the-trainers workshops
- 100 Participants in training sessions for SSE actors
- 90 Public officers trained in employment and education schemes for refugees
- € 200.000 in Sub-grants to support innovative SSE initiatives
- 10 Agreements between public adminitrations and a relevant skateholders for coordinated planning and implementation os social services
- 6 Repoprts containing new/improved policy recommendations