Land of Conversations – a new step forward in Bela Flor Agroforest (in Portugal)
TERRA DE CONVERSAS (Land of Conversations) is one step forward in MedTOWN’s Bela Flor Agroforest in Portugal. A moment to share, speak & hear among…
TERRA DE CONVERSAS (Land of Conversations) is one step forward in MedTOWN’s Bela Flor Agroforest in Portugal. A moment to share, speak & hear among…
Jardins Abertos is a festival that opens the gates of Lisbon’s city gardens to the public since 2017, bringing together professionals working in gardening, landscaping,…
The final trainees are being selected from more than 200 applicants through interviews that are taking place since the last week of June at the…
On Thursday 30th of June, Cristina Sousa from MedTOWN’s Portuguese partner ‘Junta de Freguesía de Campolide’ will present MedTOWN & Bela Flor Respira – Agrofloresta Urbana de Campolide…
In the shops of the Cerro-Amate district of Seville soon it will be possible to pay with a public Complementary Currency (CC), a way of…
The Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD) has started its first steps to establish an incubator in AL-Koura District (Jordan) that will focus on…
During the last months, COVID restrictions became the new reality all over the world and Campolide, Portugal is no exception. New needs, challenges and purposes were…
Today we had a fructiful work session sharing the achievements, progress & challenges from our nine partners, across six Mediterranean countries (Spain, Portugal, Greece, Palestine, Jordan and…
The 9th edition of the Spanish State Meeting of Local, Social and Complementary Currencies, entitled “Local values in times of crisis”, was hosted (virtually as…
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