المساق الفئة: Job Creation
Job Creation course
03.المشاركة في إنتاج السياسات الاجتماعية مع الجهات الفاعلة في اقتصاد التضامن الاجتماعي لمكافحة الفقر وعدم المساواة والاستبعاد الاجتماعي (Palestine)
09. Support to Social Business Start-ups on Scaling up and Replication (MedRisse Project)
Our world faces pressing social and environmental challenges that can only be faced by joining forces to build a future where business and profit work…
10. Alliances with SSE for Employment and Education (MedRisse Project)
The Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) has proven to be an effective model in the creation of decent employment and educational processes for professional development…
11. Co-production of Public Services & Complementary Currencies (MedRisse Project)
Co-production of public policies and services has been growing in recent years as a solution to extend the capacity of the public administration to meet…