معمل البحر الأبيض المتوسط للإنتاج المشترك 

للابتكار الاجتماعي


IESS! Project
EUROPEAID Programme: IESS! Employment Initiatives in the Social Solidarity Economy for job creation through the SSE in Tunisia
IESS! Project
EUROPEAID Programme: IESS! Employment Initiatives in the Social Solidarity Economy for job creation through the SSE in Tunisia


General objective: To promote employment through the development of the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE), a source of social cohesion, with a focus on the disadvantaged regions of Tunisia.

Specific objective: To create sustainable employment for young people and women through the creation and strengthening of viable SSE enterprises in the Governorates of Jendouba, Kasserine, Sidi Bouzid, Mahdia.

Expected results

R1) 200 young unemployed and informal sector workers in the targeted regions establish a viable business plan for a SSE enterprise project through awareness-raising actions on economic, social and labour rights and on SSE, training and networking in the 4 targeted governorates.

R2) Two SSE pilot territorial poles offer a set of efficient and interconnected support services to social entrepreneurs in synergy with the existing service offer, in 2 of the 4 targeted governorates.

R3) The economic and social viability of a core group of 140 employment-generating SSE enterprises in the 4 governorates is ensured through support and marketing services and replication of successful models.


Lead partner: Cospe (Italy)

Partners: iesMed (Spain), TCSE (Tunisian Center for Social Entrepreneurship – Tunisia), Development Offices of the concerned governorates (ODNO, ODCO, CGDR), CRESS PACA (Chambre Régionale de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire PACA – France)

Associates: ANETI (Tunisia), ABCDE (Association Beder pour la Citoyenneté et le Développement Equitable – Tunisia), Coeptis (France), ICOSI (France), Coopmed (France), Associazione Microfinanza e Sviluppo (Italy), ICNS (Instituzione Centro Nord Sud – Italy), REMESS (Moroccan Network of the Social Solidarity Economy – Morocco).