MedRiSSE Project
MedRiSSE is a project about replicable Innovations of SSE in the provision of services and creation of decent jobs in the post covid-19 crisis recovery.

MedRiSSE is a social innovation initiative, led by the NGO Assembly of Cooperation for Peace (ACPP), which aims to develop a Mediterranean scalability pathway for social innovations that enable the co-production of public services with local agents of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) that have emerged from interactions between the government and the SSE involved in several ENI-funded projects.
These innovations represent successful and efficient practices for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in general, and for the protection of the most vulnerable groups in post-Covid19 economies in the Mediterranean Basin.
MedRiSSE project is a cooperation project funded by the European Union through the European Neighbourhood Instrument for cross-border cooperation in the framework of the Mediterranean Basin Programme 2014-2020 (ENI CBC Med).
It involves 8 partner entities and 7 associated entities, from 5 countries (Spain, Italy, Palestine, Jordan and Tunisia) with a total budget of 1.1 million euros (90% contribution from the programme) and an estimated duration of 24 months, until September 2023.

Widened Community of practice
The WCoP will operate as a Mediterranean Hub for SSE practitioners, public sector intrapreneurs, researchers, NGOs and civil society invested in co-production and the promotion of SSE.
MedRiSSE will connect the WCoP with the learning communities of at least 5 other ENI and EU Neighbours projects which educational outputs will be capitalised.
Mediterranean Co-production Lab
The WCoP will be linked to a new Mediterranean Co-production Lab (LAB) that will:
Help establish conditions for innovation in the delivery of public services through alliances with SSE and help them identify and foster opportunities for collaboration.
Develop an evaluation methodology to understand the potential for scalability of the different co-production models or social innovations, which, in turn, will evolve into a Mediterranean Co-production Toolkit for Public Sector Innovation.
Dynamize the WCoP with social innovations like a system of innovation credits that will encourage exchanges and help supply meet demand through mutual support formulas.
Policy Advocacy
MedRiSSE will lead a policy work mainly based on:
- conducting an in-depth cross-country analysis of national studies on social innovation run within the 5 distinguished projects included in this proposal
- developing thematic policy briefs to positively influence changes in the institutional frameworks regulating social innovation in its different forms;
- promoting public private dialogue between institutional actors of the SE ecosystems in Europe and in the MENA region to share policy experiences and practices and foster mutual learning.
8 Partners organisations (public-private)
- Assembly of Cooperation for Peace (ACPP), NGO, Spain
- An-Najah National University, University, Palestine
- Oxfam Italia Onlus, NGO, Italy
- Agricultural Development Association (PARC), NGO, Palestine
- Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD), NGO, Jordan
- Tunisian Center for Social Entrepreneurship (TCSE), Non profit, Tunisia
- PIN S.c.r.l. Didactic and Scientific Services for the University of Florence, (ARCO), University, Italy
- Innovation and Social Economy in the Mediterranean, SCEL (IesMed), Cooperative-Private sector, Spain
7 public authorities as associate partners
- Municipality of Seville, Spain
- Municipality of Barcelona, Spain
- Municipality of Tumbas, Palestine
- Ministry of Local Administration, Jordan
- REAS Andalucía – Network of Alternative Solidarity Economy, Spain
- Tunisian General Labour Union,Tunisia
- Municipality of Santa Coloma de Gramanet, Spain