MedTOWN على وشك إطلاق دعوتها للمؤسسات الفرعية لدعم مقترحات الإنتاج المشترك المبتكرة

MedTOWN project will support co-production ‘pilot projects’ with a total of 300,000 euros throughout all countries where the project is present: Spain, Greece, Palestine, Jordan, Tunisia and Portugal.
As the specificity of MedTOWN initiatives in each territory is different, so will be the initiatives at local level eligible to be funded by these grants. To keep them coherent, MedTOWN project partners approved the common rules for the Sub-grants Application Pack after presenting it and debating the main points, during its 1st Scientific Committee meeting which took place last March 9th.
The first country to launch the MedTOWN Call for pilot projects will be Spain, that already celebrated a face to face session to present it to local entities. The call that will grant 55 000 euros overall is expected to be open in April 2022.
On the same day, the project partners used the meeting of MedTOWN Steering Committee to take stock, make a brief presentation of the implemented activities by each one and outline the foreseen activities for the next six months to agree on the common plan for the next activities and actions in the project. Both online events have been a great opportunity to keep close contact and update the project implementation.
Soon more info to come on MedTOWN expected activities…
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