MedTOWN National Workshops impulse change in the co-production of social policies

Four out of the six planned national workshops of the MedTOWN project ambitious training programme have been succesfully completed.
The National Workshops (NW) are one of the key actions of the MedTOWN Project and are being carried out, or will be in the coming months, in all the countries participating in it: Jordan, Greece, Portugal and Spain have already undertaken them, while Palestine and Tunisia are scheduled for later on this year.
Through the NWs, based in the common programme “The Phoenix Journey: Transformative Pathways for Ecosocial Co-production”, it is intended to generate a cascade effect to disseminate and expand the theoretical-practical information generated in the context of the project, with the aim of strengthening and co-production processes to improve public policies and social services for public policies and social services in order to respond to the needs of people in their territorial context, from a social and solidarity economy (SEE) approach.
Each NW is being unique in its content and methodology, as they are closely related to the context of the specific MedTOWN Demonstrative Action (DA) in the field of co-production of social services in each country. All of them will be completely free of charge for the participants, delivered in the local language, and will follow an online, offline or mixed format, depending on their specificities and the options allowed by the pandemic.
You can read more about them (in Spanish) in the most recent edition of the newsletter from Asamblea de Cooperación por la Paz (ACPP), our project’s Lead Beneficiary, a Development NGO with 30 years of experience committed with working to build a fairer and more sustainable society and promoting the participation and critical capacity of citizens and institutions, social inclusion, diversity and coexistence from local to international level. It currently works in 18 countries.
MedTOWN “Co-production of social policies with social and solidarity economy (SSE) actors to fight poverty, inequality and social exclusion” is a cooperation project funded by the European Union through the European Neighbourhood Instrument for cross-border cooperation in the framework of the Mediterranean Basin Programme 2014-2020 (ENI CBC Med), which involves 9 partner entities, and as many associates, from 6 countries with a total budget of 3.4 million (86.5% programme contribution) and an estimated duration of 36 months, until September 2022.
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