MedTOWN project 2nd Newsletter highlights how activities & tools are taking shape and upcoming national workshops

Hello again,
The MedTOWN Project has been in progress over a year already and we want to share our achievements with you. We present here an abstract of the contents of our second newsletter, focused on how our activities & tools are gradually taking shape through the efforts of our partners and collaborators, hoping that you’ll find our news interesting and welcoming you to join our Community of practice.
MedTOWN’s Seville Local Currency is moving forward
In the shops of the Cerro-Amate district of Seville soon it will be possible to pay with a public Complementary Currency, a way of generating the empowerment and sustainability of the local economy. This is one of the six experiences integrated in MedTOWN, whose aim is to increase the socio-economic impacts and effectiveness of public policies and spending at local level. Read more
Upcoming National Workshops: next events in MedTOWN capacity building programme
The National Workshops (NWs) due to take place soon in all the countries that participate in the project, are one of the key actions of the MedTOWN Project, that is aimed at reinforcing and initiating co-production processes to improve public policies and social services so they respond to the needs of people in their territorial context, from a SSE approach. Read more
Our social bussiness incubator in Jordan starts taking shape
JOHUD has started its first steps to establish an Incubator in AL-Koura District (Jordan) that will focus on supporting entrepreneurs, especially from vulnerable groups, PWD, women & refugees, in the field of Social Bussiness. Read more
Baby steps for community resilience at Bela Flor Agroforest
A great yet simple example: neighbours together, transform wasted wood on simple design benches that allow children to have learning sessions outdoors, or seniors to breakout the home isolation and meet outside with safety. Read more
MedTOWN Launching Conference: a flagship event on the Social & Solidarity Economy
The conference held last October was a big success. A high level event fostering dialogue about social services and public policies in the Mediterranean with relevant actors, counting with representatives from the institutional associated partners from different countries, and participants from key projects and organizations. Read more
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