MedTOWN project’s first Training of Trainers

The launch of MedTOWN’s Training of Trainers (Co-producing social policies with SSE actors to fight poverty, inequality and social exclusion), has marked the beginning of the implementation phase at local level of a project that aims to transform the local economy and social policies through co-production processes in Mediterranean countries. The project is led by Asamblea de Cooperación por la Paz (ACPP), and the team of Red de Transición association, in partnership with the Palestinian Association for Agricultural Development (PARC), have conducted the training from the 5th to the 15th of October and will continue with the ongoing training area during the project.
The training, carried out in online format, has participants from several Mediterranean countries, with representation from Spain, Portugal, Greece, Jordan, Palestine and Tunisia. The objective is to capacitate local change agents in each territory, who will in turn take on the role of local trainers, and offer support on the ground for the implementation of the rest of the MedTOWN project’s activities. In particular, they will support the implementation of demonstrative actions in the field of co-production of social services. Some examples to be seen are related to complementary currencies and the circular economy, the regeneration of public spaces, support for victims of gender violence and for people with functional diversity, and the implementation of the Minimum Vital Income.
The contents of the training are focused on understanding the socio-economic structures and the role of stakeholders in providing public services to meet basic human needs, respecting planetary boundaries and addressing current social and ecological challenges:
● Human needs and sustainable human development
● The design of public policies and existing models of co-production of social services
● Social and Solidarity Economy and alternative models of economy
● Social technologies, group facilitation and organizational development
● Eco-social innovation and implementation of co-production processes
It also explores new models, tools and methods of economics and governance to implement context-specific co-production processes towards resilient and sustainable communities.
The participants of the course will create the hard core of the project’s Community of Practice: a practical learning space where they can share their doubts, tools, experiences and needs, and obtain the necessary support to respond creatively to the challenges they are sure to encounter in their social transformation work.
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