[MedTOWN] Local currencies for social & economic recovery
If the 2008 crisis has taught us anything, it is that such crises rapidly deteriorate the values and foundations of the Welfare State and distance…
If the 2008 crisis has taught us anything, it is that such crises rapidly deteriorate the values and foundations of the Welfare State and distance…
COVID-19 is hitting specially hard in the Mediterranean región, and vulnerable communities are due suffer its socio-economic impact even harder – both in terms of…
The Ossetana is a local public currency introduced and developed by Asamblea de Cooperación por la Paz de Andalucía as a tool to channel first aid subsidies…
From 18 to 20 November 2019, Valencia hosted the kick-off meeting of the MedTOWN project, which aims to promote the co-production of fair social policies with…
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يرجى الملاحظة: سيؤدي هذا الإجراء أيضًا إلى إزالة هذا العضو من زملائك وإرسال تقرير إلى مسؤول الموقع. قائمة مفصولة بفواصل لحقول التعريف التي يجب عدم نسخها.