معمل البحر الأبيض المتوسط للإنتاج المشترك 

للابتكار الاجتماعي


An agreement to promote intercooperation between CSOs, local communities and the university.
An agreement to promote a SSE ecosystem with a gender and environmental approach in Tunisia and Morocco.
An agreement to promote social transformation and participation in the field of SSE through communication for development (C4D).
TAGHYIR is an agreement of ACPP for the promotion of Social and Solidarity Economy in the Maghreb in partnership with UAF, Asticude, Homme et environnement, Shanti and UGTT thanks to the support of Spanish Cooperation. An initiative that seeks to promote the creation of Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) ecosystems in Morocco and Tunisia focused on people, their work and their way of organizing collectively for the development of a sustainable life in equality.

General objective of the agreement:

To improve people’s living conditions through economic, social and territorial cohesion, under equal conditions and opportunities, in order to obtain access to decent work and a healthy and sustainable territory.

The strategic axes of the agreement are as follows:

To set up joint mechanisms between local partner entities

Territorial authorities and other civil society organizations (CSOs) present in 3 territories in Morocco (Tangier, Nador and Berkane) and 3 in Tunisia (Kef, Nefta and Tunis).

Advise and accompany

Through these mechanisms, both SSE companies already created and those newly created, with a focus on the organization of the care and circular economy (with a gender and environmental approach).

Strengthen a regional vision, dialogue and coordination

Starting from the local level and together with different actors of the Mediterranean civil society.

Specific objectives:

Through the creation of 3 mechanisms in each country, Taghyir aims to contribute to the promotion of SSE ecosystems with a gender and environmental approach in the institutional, socio-cultural and economic axes, nourished by a regional and local reflection of universities and partner authorities in each territory.

The agreement also aims, on the one hand, to strengthen local initiatives, create synergies between actors and support existing and newly created cooperatives in each territory based on the detection of their needs. On the other hand, it seeks to promote the SSE in collaboration with the universities and faculties involved in their respective territories through research, fostering a space for regional reflection fed by the mechanisms created.

It also seeks to support the implementation of training cycles for future trainers, strengthening SSE and cooperative capacities aimed at the partners of the agreement and local SSE actors so that they in turn become trainers and replication agents for their communities.

Once the mechanisms are in place, specific and continuous services and support will be provided to existing or newly created SSE companies. Not only will technical and professional reinforcement be offered, but it is also expected to create a working space for sustainability and management, to support the organizational culture of the initiatives that need it, as well as to promote their innovation, digitalization and sovereignty. All this will be done with a focus on gender, feminist economy and care.

A cross-cutting objective for all activities, in the sense that C4D must be a vector for behavioral change among all SSE actors. 

The aim of this approach is to provoke constructive reactions and launch inclusive debates. In this sense, for all stakeholders to feel involved, these initiatives must go beyond the framework of specialized discourse on SSE laws and be carried out in a way that clearly arouses sensitivity and emotion.

To this end, several meetings and workshops are planned to develop in a participatory manner an internal and external communication plan and a C4D SSE strategy in the territories where the mechanisms will be implemented, as

well as the production of a collaborative documentary prepared by the participants themselves. Finally, the organization of two teams made up of a total of 12 cooperative social communicators who will be supported by communication focal points of the mechanisms in each territory and will implement the participatory strategy mentioned above. 

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Abonnez-vous à notre lettre d'information trimestrielle Al Nachra sur les actualités du programme TAGHYIR

Abonnez-vous à notre lettre d'information trimestrielle Al Nachra sur les actualités du programme TAGHYIR