معمل البحر الأبيض المتوسط للإنتاج المشترك 

للابتكار الاجتماعي

درس 6 من 17
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Phase 2. Setup & activation the CitESS pole

Rubén 10 مارس 2025

The second phase for the creation and activation of the CitESS cluster will consist of enlarging the circle of organisations and actors engaged in the platform, beyond the key actors already committed in the first phase of consultation. Therefore, the key actors, resources and activities in this second phase are explained below.

Main Actors

Suggested actions in relation to the main actors to set-up & activation the CitESS pole are as follows:

Sugested Actions regarding Main actors
· Existing public, private and civil society territorial entrepreneurial support organisations are key targets when promoting and disseminating SSE culture and improving SSE support infrastructure.

· Map, identify and engage in the CitESS pole all strategic public and private -for profit and non-profit- actors to make sure the support to the local SSE is well rooted in the local community and to the territorial real needs.

· Hands-on, competent, and dynamic facilitators are key to ensuring the good implementation of the activities (i.e. trainings, meetings, facilitation of exchanges and promotion of tools and seminars) and to encouraging the sharing of responsibility and participation of the various actors.

Self-assessment questions

  1. Who are the main public and private actors -for profit and non-profit- that are working to support entrepreneurship in your territory and can be key to promoting an enabling SSE ecosystem? What do they do? In which sector and level of intervention do they work? Do they need support to strengthen their capacities? Can they be engaged in the CitESS?
  2. Which are other public and private -for profit and non-profit- actors that you can engage in the CitESS platform in order for it to pursue its purpose?
  3. Can you count on a hands-on, competent and dynamic team of facilitators leading the networking process and coordinating all activities to set-up the CitESS? (i.e. trainings, meetings, facilitation of exchanges and promotion of tools and seminars)

Main Resources

Suggested actions in relation to the main resources to set-up & activation the CitESS pole are as follows:

Sugested Actions regarding Main resources
· Human resources and personal skills and attitudes of involved individuals are key to the CitESS set-up process. The latter builds on crucial human skills, such as active listening, communication skills, facilitation skills, adaptability and flexibility, openness, mediation skills, leadership, long-term vision and interpersonal skills. Most importantly, individuals’ true motivation and willingness to collaborate and to make this experience work was the ultimate success factor also at this stage.

· Social capital is a crucial resource allowing stakeholders to work together to effectively achieve a common purpose, building on mutual trust, cooperation, concertation, collaboration, openness, respect for one another.

· Strategic public and private networks are key to leveraging crucial resources (i.e. human resources, infrastructures, physical resources and spaces, expertise) needed to improve or create SSE support services or projects. Hence, when formalising the CitESS governing body, make sure you can count on members who can leverage such strategic networks and resources.

· Financial resources are needed to carry out the information and awareness-raising activities, trainings to SSE support organisations and exchanges to engage and connect multi-sector SSE actors and institutions.

Self-assessment questions

  1. Who are the right individuals in your territory to engage in the set-up of a CitESS? Do they have the necessary skills and incentives to dialogue, collaborate and connect with other key stakeholders of the ecosystem?
  2. Can your territory count on a certain level of social capital allowing these stakeholders to work together to effectively achieve a common purpose?
  3. When formalising the CitESS governing body, can you secure the membership of key actors who can leverage strategic networks and resources to improve/create SSE support programs and services?
  4. Can you intercept sufficient financial resources to support the activation of the CitESS pole?

Main Activities

Suggested actions in relation to the main activities to set-up & activation the CitESS pole are as follows:

Sugested Actions regarding Main activities
· Identify key SSE of SSE support organisations/actors/ initiatives in your territory to be engaged in the CitESS and foster connection/networking among these SSE actors.

· Promote a preliminary and informal structuring of the pole by co-elaborating a charter formalising CitESS values, principles and commitments of involved public and private actors.

· Reinforce existing SSE support services and promote the implementation of new missing services through ad-hoc trainings and workshops.

· Facilitate exchanges and promote the sharing of existing experiences of SSE support services, SSE business ideas as well as experiences of SSE clusters in other territories or abroad.

· Promote the establishment of the CitESS multi-actor (public-private) governance structure and formalise the network into a suitable legal form.

Self-assessment questions

  1. Which are the key SSE experiences and actors in your territory? How can they be connected?
  2. Could these actors benefit from a co-elaborated definition of a charter of principles formalising shared values, principles, and commitments within the CitESS?
  3. Could existing SSE support services benefit from capacity building and skill-strengthening support? Are there missing services they could offer? Should they be supported with ad-hoc trainings?
  4. Could your SSE ecosystem benefit from exchanges and sharing of other existing experiences concerning SSE support services, SSE business ideas as well as experiences of SSE clusters in other territories or abroad?
  5. What kind of governance structure could benefit the CitESS in your territory?
  6. Which available legal form in your territory could best reflect CitESS nature and values allowing for good and long-lasting governance?