MedTOWN inspires training on new economies & ecosocial transition for ACPP workers

MedTOWN project aims to influence the way public administrations relate to citizens & organisations, by introducing the co-production of policies and tools such as complementary currencies & time banks. We understand that in order to achieve this, we must start by opening our own organisations’ eyes and changing the way our own teams approach these relationships and their interactions in other projects. For this reason, the Assembly for Cooperation for Peace (ACPP), our Lead Beneficiary, has organized a training on new economies and ecosocial transition for its personnel, based on The Phoenix Journey, MedTOWN’s formative programme.
The online training on 13th & 15th October 2021, designed and delivered by MedTOWN’s experts team from the Transition Network, reached about forty people from ACPP delegations around Spain, and also from Palestine,Tunisia, Morocco, Guinea Bissau, Central America & the Caribbean.
Its sessions consisted of both a theoretical component and a participative stage, with exercises and group dynamics, as well as space for debate. The objective is to provide an introductory background on new economies and ecosocial transition, sharing concepts, ideas and examples to inspire the participants to incorporate these aspects in their work. Also, to seek to collect questions, needs and proposals that may be useful for ACPP to incorporate into its strategic work.