MedTOWN Toolbox and Community of Practice: learn what it is about and how you can be part of it

MedTOWN’s technological partner, TIER 1, is currently working with the team of ACPP, in order to develop one of the most important interactive tools of the project: the MedTOWN online toolbox and the Comunity of Practice (CoP).
The MedTOWN toolbox
The online toolbox will serve as a platform to share and disseminate experiences on co-productions initiatives among the partners of the project as well as to communicate and capitalise achieved results and outputs by offering a fertile ground for the development of political dialogue, networking and synergies with other initiatives driven by local public authorities and civil society organisations in the field of co-production of public policies and social services with the support of Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) actors and the use of local complementary currencies.
The MedTOWN online toolbox, will provide an internal distance management tool for the partners of the project, a public informative section with regards to the project activities and the involving partners, a joint dashboard database for the evaluation and monitoring of the socio-economic impacts of the demonstrative actions and pilot projects in each territory, a technology toolkit for the use of Complementary Currencies and a Community of Practice shared among policy makers, SSE actors, researchers, NGO practitioners and experts in the field of SEE, Public Procurement and Complementary Currencies.
The Community of Practice
The Community of Practice (CoP) will be the main tool for people-to-people communication, especially during the COVID19 health crisis and as long as physical meetings are considered dangerous for public health and safety. It will be a space of mutual e-learning and exchanging on social innovation on co-production of social services and a platform of political dialogue with critical reflections from policy makers, researchers and SSE practitioners. It will be the reference point of the action research and the development of policy recommendations while at the same time it will be linked with other CoPs in the field of sustainable communities and eco-social innovation.
Why become part of the CoP?Â
Because it will provide a space for:
- Connection of all the local actors and experts that will participate in the MedTOWN demonstrative actions and pilot projects on co-production initiatives with the use of local currencies
- e-learning and sharing knowledge based on open source tools on how to develop co-production initiatives with the use of local currencies will provide a facilitation guide for the development of community building skills and a toolkit on the use of technology for local currencies
- A shared database  on SSE co-production initiatives and regulatory frameworks on public procurement, SSE and local complementary electronic money
- Networking among SSE in 6 Mediterranean countriesHost the MedTOWN SSE Networks
- Political dialogue among the MedTOWN Regional Policy Groups
- Open group discussions, virtual study visits, forums and synergies networking with other CoPs