Shared achievements, progress & challenges at MedTOWN steering committe meeting

Today we had a fructiful work session sharing the achievements, progress & challenges from our nine partners, across six Mediterranean countries (Spain, Portugal, Greece, Palestine, Jordan and Tunisia) at a MedTOWN Steering Committe meeting.
It has been a wonderful opportunity to overview the highlights of our project so far, and for each partner to share what has been accomplished, what´s underway, and challenges for the future in their specific experience.
The meeting has also given us the chance to exchange concerns and proposals to tacke them for issues as diverse as how to deal with the delays of bureocracy, or the ways of approaching fieldwork and involving the local stakeholders for the Demonstrative Actions (DAs) in COVID19 times, to adressing the future and sustainability of the DAs and pilot projects.
We are all excited about our immediate next steps, specially looking forward to the implementation of our six National Workshops and to see blossom all our MedTOWN Demonstrative Actions, as each one is developing at its own pace.
MedTOWN’s next newsletter will be out next week with extended information about these topics. If you want to receive it and stay up to date on our news, you can suscribe here