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The MedRiSSE projects.

Replicable Innovations of SSE in the provision of services and creation of decent jobs in the post covid-19 crisis recovery

Our project MedRiSSE is full of funny words: 'capitalization', 'replicable innovations' & acronyms: 'WCoP', 'Lab', 'SSE' but ... What is it we really intend to do in MedRiSSE? Well, we are getting the experiences of five very interesting projects and reviewing their good practices to enhance their value. Our experts are looking for what we can learn from these good practices to reuse -or replicate- them in other places or time; and to scale them up, making them bigger & available to a wider audience, to benefit more people.

What will it do for the world? The project will generate clear evidence and solutions to overcome existing identified barriers and provide public institutions, the donor community, SSE practitioners, local partners, and a multitude of other stakeholders with sustainable, low-cost, and innovative capacities to deliver quality social services. Supporting the development of national, regional, and local social economy ecosystems will be a major step in order to boost job creation and innovation, to foster social inclusion.

PARC ROLE in the project
PARC participates in all the activities of the project and will share its experience gained from MedTOWN / MedUP projects. It will responsible for the development and creation of the Mediterranean Co-Production Lab, a platform to assist SSE practitioners in the Mediterranean Sea Basin on the capitalisation and replication of social innovation initiatives and in the exchange of best practices. The Lab will bring together people, public institutions, researchers and SSE entities from the MedTOWN the Community of Practice / CoP (https://cop.acpp.com/ ), the MedRiSSE Widened CoP and wiki for the exploration of ideas, experimentation, analysis, reflection, and capacity building that is essential to driving social impact. An external team of experts will dynamise the participation of the community provide training and promote cross-sector cooperation in order to catalyse SSE innovations in the field of Co-production.

The Mediterranean Co-production Lab’s role will be to bring social innovation and design-thinking to the attention of policy and decision makers engaged in public service reform and to create a conducive environment for SSE to participate in the co-creation and delivery process of public utilities in the Mediterranean region.

The Lab will establish conditions for innovation by helping SSE practitioners in the Euro-Mediterranean Region move through the systems of government efficiently and effectively, identifying and fostering opportunities for collaboration to solve problems and share resources, challenging real and perceived barriers to innovation through program initiatives and demonstrating to people what’s possible. The Lab will work to develop territorial platforms for cooperation associating all the actors. The Lab will be hosted by PP3 in Palestine and will have branches in Tunisia and Spain. Its governance will be shared. It will benefit from the experience in Social Entrepreneurship of PP3, PP2 (MedUP) and PP4 (MedTOWN). PP7 will mainstream the CITESS methodology into the design of the LAB and will work with PP3 on the creation of the first Palestinian CitESS in Tubas, as a local pole of cooperation and SSE services.

PARC will stimulate new synergies and partnerships among change-makers in different sectors through a system of mutual credit for innovation that will give birth to a shared support system that will allow the exchange of mentoring, consultation, services, good practices, etc. This system, based on financial innovation tools developed under MedTOWN project and other EU funded projects involving associate partners (Digipay4Growth – City of Santa Coloma de Gramanet or B-MINCOME, City of Barcelona) will contribute to the emergence of partnerships and, through a series of workshops led by PP5, the prototyping of transferable models for catalysing SSE innovations in the field of coproduction.

Overview of the MedRiSSE 5 Capitalized Projects



For more information, also see the IESS project page in the Wiki.



For more information, also see the MedTOWN project page in the Wiki.



For more information, also see the MedUP project page in the Wiki.



For more information, also see the More Than a Job project page in the Wiki.



For more information, also see the RUWOMED project page in the Wiki.

Useful links to learn more about MedRiSSE