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MedRiSSE Participating Organizations

ACPP - Asamblea de Cooperación por la Paz

Asamblea de Cooperación Por la Paz (ACPP) is an instrument, a meeting point for people who aspire to live in a world based on dignity, justice and equality and who are committed to do their bit collectively. The rules of the game are not neutral and ACPP's work is framed by the desire to change them in daily practice. ACPP is not neutral either, its work is aimed at achieving a more egalitarian society in which all people have the possibility of living a dignified life. International cooperation, action in schools, social intervention in our neighbourhoods and cities and raising public awareness are fundamental pillars in this advocacy work. ACPP defines itself as an independent, progressive and secular organisation.

ACPP's work aims in a double direction, which in reality is a single one. On the one hand, it promotes autonomous and democratic development in impoverished countries, a development in which respect for the environment is non-negotiable, a development in which women and men must be equal protagonists and beneficiaries. To this end, it considers the involvement of social organisations in the South to be essential. It shares aspirations with them and they are the protagonists of the development of the people who live in their territories. On the other hand, in Europe, it promotes critical capacity with the intention of generating a critical mass among citizens who are committed to the construction of a society that has global solidarity as a reference point for the construction of a fairer world.

We develop projects in 18 countries in the Maghreb (Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia), West Africa (Guinea Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal), the Caribbean (Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic), the Middle East (Lebanon, Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territories), Central America (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua) and South America (Colombia).

Without minimum standards it is very difficult to be able to say that life is dignified. ACPP wants to make this debate a priority in society and, in its work on the ground, to promote a series of services that have an impact on guaranteeing people's basic rights. And it is basic: the development of the social fabric. To this end, it promotes the creation of cooperatives and grassroots organisations. The improvement of productive activities through training, capacity building, the construction of infrastructures and any other form of material support. Access to certain services such as water and sanitation, education, health, etc.

ACPP defends public management and involves local authorities in this. Peace building, reinforcement of Human Rights, good governance and support for democratic processes. Preparedness for natural disasters in order to mitigate the consequences. And it is essential to strengthen the central and fundamental role of women as the driving force for egalitarian development. And it is essential to make all this work compatible with respect for a planet that is generous but whose limits are becoming more evident every day.

You can find more information in our website: https://www.acpp.com/

ANNU – An-Najah National University

Oxfam Italia Onlus

PARC – Agricultural Development Association

JOHUD – The Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development

TCSE – Tunisian Center For Social Entrepreneurship

PIN S.c.r.l. Servizi Didattici e Scientifici per l’Università di Firenze

iesMed – Innovació i Economia Social en la Mediterrània, SCEL

Associated Partners

Seville Town Hall

Barcelona City Hall

Santa Coloma de Gramanet Town Hall

REAS Andalucía-Red de Economía Alternativa

Tubas Town Hall

Ministry of Local Government