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MedRiSSE Participating Organizations

ACPP - Asamblea de Cooperación por la Paz

Logo ACPP grande.jpg

Asamblea de Cooperación Por la Paz (ACPP) is an instrument, a meeting point for people who aspire to live in a world based on dignity, justice and equality and who are committed to do their bit collectively. The rules of the game are not neutral and ACPP's work is framed by the desire to change them in daily practice. ACPP is not neutral either, its work is aimed at achieving a more egalitarian society in which all people have the possibility of living a dignified life. International cooperation, action in schools, social intervention in our neighbourhoods and cities and raising public awareness are fundamental pillars in this advocacy work. ACPP defines itself as an independent, progressive and secular organisation.

ACPP's work aims in a double direction, which in reality is a single one. On the one hand, it promotes autonomous and democratic development in impoverished countries, a development in which respect for the environment is non-negotiable, a development in which women and men must be equal protagonists and beneficiaries. To this end, it considers the involvement of social organisations in the South to be essential. It shares aspirations with them and they are the protagonists of the development of the people who live in their territories. On the other hand, in Europe, it promotes critical capacity with the intention of generating a critical mass among citizens who are committed to the construction of a society that has global solidarity as a reference point for the construction of a fairer world.

We develop projects in 18 countries in the Maghreb (Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia), West Africa (Guinea Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal), the Caribbean (Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic), the Middle East (Lebanon, Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territories), Central America (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua) and South America (Colombia).

Without minimum standards it is very difficult to be able to say that life is dignified. ACPP wants to make this debate a priority in society and, in its work on the ground, to promote a series of services that have an impact on guaranteeing people's basic rights. And it is basic: the development of the social fabric. To this end, it promotes the creation of cooperatives and grassroots organisations. The improvement of productive activities through training, capacity building, the construction of infrastructures and any other form of material support. Access to certain services such as water and sanitation, education, health, etc.

ACPP defends public management and involves local authorities in this. Peace building, reinforcement of Human Rights, good governance and support for democratic processes. Preparedness for natural disasters in order to mitigate the consequences. And it is essential to strengthen the central and fundamental role of women as the driving force for egalitarian development. And it is essential to make all this work compatible with respect for a planet that is generous but whose limits are becoming more evident every day.

You can find more information in our website: https://www.acpp.com/

ANNU – An-Najah National University

Oxfam Italia Onlus

WHO WE ARE. Oxfam Italia (OIT) is an Italian non-governmental organization that has been working at national and international levels to overcome multidimensional poverty and inequality. Oxfam is a global movement of people, working together to end the injustice of poverty. That means Oxfam tackles the inequality that keeps people poor. Together, it saves, protects and rebuilds lives when disaster strikes. Oxfam helps people build better lives for themselves, and for others. Oxfam take on issues like land rights, climate change and discrimination against women. And it won’t stop until every person on the planet can enjoy life free from poverty. Oxfam is a global organization with affiliates in 20 countries. Oxfam works in 87 countries around the world. Oxfam Italia has been part of the Oxfam International Confederation since October 2010, first as observer, and then in 2012 as full member. OIT comes from the experience of Ucodep, a non-governmental organization deeply rooted in Tuscany Region, active for over 30 years in the fight against poverty and social exclusion, both in developing countries and in Italy.

OUR MAIN AIMS. Oxfam Italia’s work is grounded on human basic rights approach, human development and capability approach and feminist approach. It pursues its mission by 3 key programs in Italy and abroad: inclusive and fair societies, gender justice and enhanced humanitarian action. OIT programs link development, humanitarian, and advocacy and campaigning in pursuit of a common objective. Thanks to the external programs, OIT is focused in MENA region (Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, OPT, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Yemen and Iraq), Horn of Africa (Ethiopia), Caribe (Haiti, Dominican Republic and Cuba - phasing out in 2022-23 from Caribe region) and Southern Africa (Mozambique, Comoro Islands, Malawi, Madagascar). With domestic programs, Oxfam Italia is focus on gender justice, inclusive education and social inclusion of vulnerable people including women, youth and people on the move.

You can find more information in our website: https://www.oxfamitalia.org/

PARC – Agricultural Development Association

PARC participates in all the activities of the project and will share its experience gained from MedTOWN / MedUP projects. It will responsible for the development and creation of the Mediterranean Co-Production Lab, a platform to assist SSE practitioners in the Mediterranean Sea Basin on the capitalisation and replication of social innovation initiatives and in the exchange of best practices. The Lab will bring together people, public institutions, researchers and SSE entities from the MedTOWN the Community of Practice / CoP (https://cop.acpp.com/ ), the MedRiSSE Widened CoP and wiki for the exploration of ideas, experimentation, analysis, reflection, and capacity building that is essential to driving social impact. An external team of experts will dynamise the participation of the community provide training and promote cross-sector cooperation in order to catalyse SSE innovations in the field of Co-production.

The Mediterranean Co-production Lab’s role will be to bring social innovation and design-thinking to the attention of policy and decision makers engaged in public service reform and to create a conducive environment for SSE to participate in the co-creation and delivery process of public utilities in the Mediterranean region.

The Lab will establish conditions for innovation by helping SSE practitioners in the Euro-Mediterranean Region move through the systems of government efficiently and effectively, identifying and fostering opportunities for collaboration to solve problems and share resources, challenging real and perceived barriers to innovation through program initiatives and demonstrating to people what’s possible. The Lab will work to develop territorial platforms for cooperation associating all the actors. The Lab will be hosted by PP3 in Palestine and will have branches in Tunisia and Spain. Its governance will be shared. It will benefit from the experience in Social Entrepreneurship of PP3, PP2 (MedUP) and PP4 (MedTOWN). PP7 will mainstream the CITESS methodology into the design of the LAB and will work with PP3 on the creation of the first Palestinian CitESS in Tubas, as a local pole of cooperation and SSE services.

PARC will stimulate new synergies and partnerships among change-makers in different sectors through a system of mutual credit for innovation that will give birth to a shared support system that will allow the exchange of mentoring, consultation, services, good practices, etc. This system, based on financial innovation tools developed under MedTOWN project and other EU funded projects involving associate partners (Digipay4Growth – City of Santa Coloma de Gramanet or B-MINCOME, City of Barcelona) will contribute to the emergence of partnerships and, through a series of workshops led by PP5, the prototyping of transferable models for catalysing SSE innovations in the field of coproduction.

PARC website

JOHUD – The Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development

JOHUD is an independent, non-profit NGO with unique geographical and social outreach across Jordan. JOHUD’s pioneering approach to people-centered development and its grassroots base make it a participatory model for the Arab world, providing examples of how to promote governance and change in a region where democratic reform has been stymied by political and economic upheaval.

JOHUD proposes a multidisciplinary, comprehensive ecosystem that promotes the wellbeing of communities, while addressing some of the key challenges facing the country: youth unemployment, inadequate social and public service provision, poverty, and social exclusion.

Our future plan focuses on improving outcomes in these areas, while strengthening the supporting environment by effecting internal and external institutional change. Through our network of 51 community development centers (CDCs), our training and research institute, our care institutions for at-risk youth and children, refugees, our IT innovation labs, employability centers, micro-finance operation, radio station and extensive volunteer base, we can develop a transformative eco-system to deliver vital change. Johud’s future vision centers on networking, multi-agency cooperation, community planning, information exchange, capacity building, policy/service analysis and reform, job creation and innovative programmes – all with a focus on community wellbeing, and all through a lens of good governance and social inclusion.

As we have the largest NGO outreach of community centres and specialised entities around Jordan (in 60 locations) we have strong relationships of trust with local communities, who also have a clear sense of ownership and play a key role in the management of our centres from the north of Jordan to the south, in urban, rural and desert areas.

JOHUD website

TCSE – Tunisian Center For Social Entrepreneurship

PIN S.c.r.l. Servizi Didattici e Scientifici per l’Università di Firenze

iesMed – Innovació i Economia Social en la Mediterrània, SCEL

Associated Partners

Seville Town Hall

Barcelona City Hall

Santa Coloma de Gramanet Town Hall

REAS Andalucía-Red de Economía Alternativa

Tubas Town Hall

Ministry of Local Government