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The MedRiSSE projects

Replicable Innovations of SSE in the provision of services and creation of decent jobs in the post covid-19 crisis recovery

En MedRiSSE.jpg


MedRiSSE project is a cooperation project that seeks to lay the foundations for replicating innovative models throughout the Mediterranean arc that promote the creation of quality jobs, help create businesses and accelerate public-private processes of municipal service provision, within the framework of the Social and Solidarity Economy. MedRiSSE will demonstrate that co-production of public goods with Social and Solidarity Economy can provide with low-cost, highly effective, and scalable solutions to fight poverty, inequality, social exclusion and environmental unsustainability.

MedRiSSE is a capitalization project funded by the European Union under the European Neighbourhood Instrument for cross-border cooperation in the framework of the Mediterranean Basin Programme 2014-2020 (ENI CBC Med). It involves 8 partner entities and 7 associated entities, from 5 countries (Spain, Italy, Palestine, Jordan and Tunisia) with a total budget of 1.1 million euros (90% programme contribution) and an estimated duration of 24 months, until September 2023.


The main goal of the project is to develop a Mediterranean scalability pathway for social innovations that enable the co-production of municipal services with local Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) actors that have emerged from interactions between government and SSE involved in several EU-funded projects. These mentioned projects are MedTOWN, MoreThanAJob, MedUP!, RUWOMED & IESS.

In order to reach this objective, the strategy of the project revolves around widening the SSE and Co-production Community of Practice (WCoP) launched by the MedTOWN project, further involving policy makers, SSE actors, researchers, etc. The WCoP will benefit from social innovations and capacity building resources regarding the role of SSE in the promotion of decent jobs and social inclusion (MoreThanaJob), the promotion of SSE ecosystems (MedUP, IESS, progress) and the empowerment women in cooperatives through fair trade and eco-tourism (RUWOMED). The WCoP will be linked to a new Mediterranean Co-production Lab (LAB) that will help establish conditions for innovation in the delivery of public services through alliances with SSE and help them identify and foster opportunities for collaboration. The lab will develop an evaluation methodology to understand the potential for scalability of the different co-production models or social innovations, which, in turns, will evolve into a Mediterranean Co-production Toolkit for Public Sector Innovation. This Toolkit will help both SSE practitioners and public servants understand and apply innovation in their daily work. Lastly, the project will continue the communication and policy dialogue initiated by the 5 capitalised project under a harmonised approach, to continue advocating for legal and institutional reforms and policy innovations aimed at supporting emerging sectors of SSE, as well as the concepts of “co-production” and “social economy".


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Lead beneficiary - Assembly of Cooperation for Peace - Spain

  • Partner 1 - An-Najah National University - Palestine
  • Partner 2 - Oxfam Italia Onlus - Italy
  • Partner 3 - Agricultural Development Association - Palestine
  • Partner 4 - The Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development - Jordan
  • Partner 5 - Tunisian Center For Social Entrepreneurship - Tunisia
  • Partner 6 - PIN S.c.r.l. Servizi Didattici e Scientifici per l’Università di Firenze - Italy
  • Partner 7 - iesMed – Innovació i Economia Social en la Mediterrània, SCEL - Spain

Useful links to know more about MedRiSSE

MedRiSSE Official website

MedRiSSE News

Overview of the MedRiSSE 5 Capitalized Projects



For more information, also see the IESS project page in the Wiki.



For more information, also see the MedTOWN project page in the Wiki.



For more information, also see the MedUP project page in the Wiki.



For more information, also see the More Than a Job project page in the Wiki.



For more information, also see the RUWOMED project page in the Wiki.

Useful links to learn more about MedRiSSE