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This Wiki is part of a larger endeavour: the creation of a Mediterranean Co-Production Lab.

The Mediterranean Co-Production Lab

The Co-Production lab will act as a meeting place to share ideas and best practices to encourage public sector innovation through collaboration with Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE); and to promote cooperation to translate this knowledge into pilot interventions and projects in the Mediterranean countries.

Its vision is to help bring about, through the coproduction of innovative public policies, the political, socioeconomic, and cultural shifts that the countries of the Mediterranean basin require in order to achieve more sustainable, prosperous, equitable, and democratic communities.

Therefore, the Lab’s online presence should serve as a space for meeting, exchanging, researching and co-creating:

  • Meeting point between relevant actors of the territories that adhere, public administrations, academic research field and entities of the social and solidarity economy sector so that they can build a network that enables cooperation and collaboration.
  • Exchange of best practices, opinions and related knowledge to resolve queries; improve individual and common initiatives; and serve as a training space for agents interested in social innovation, public policies and the SSE.
  • Research on SSE, social innovation, decent work and related subjects to serve as a support and documented basis for advocacy and awareness-raising in Mediterranean societies.
  • Co-creating demonstrative actions that showcase public sector led innovations that contribute effectively to the necessary social transformation of Mediterranean countries based on the coproduction of social policies with the involvement of citizens or service users and SSE in the design as well as the delivery of public services.

Digital Platform for the Mediterranean Co-production Laboratory

The lab’s digital platform serves primarily to encourage the interaction of an existing community of practice. The participants belong to a diversity of countries, and require tools to streamline workflows and processes. Among them:

  • A discussion forum to connect community members and help them share knowledge
  • A free and open knowledge database built under Wikimedia technology,
  • A capacity building and training platform, a reliable source of information for the public on the topics of coproduction and public sector innovation
  • A system to crowdsource and crowdfund Public Policy Innovation, as well as to enable the Lab’s future pro-bono assistance to innovative actions through the issuance of a system of blockchain tokens.

Capacity building and training platform

The online platform of the Lab will have important sections: News board, online community of practice, e-learning section, a digital marketplace to facilitate the exchange of innovation credits, a wiki, a crowdfunding section and a profile section that will encourage the connection and strengthening of professional relationships and partnerships.

Wiki: a free and open knowledge database

This Wiki is a free and open knowledge database built under Wikimedia technology.

Wiki Resources

Handbook: how to use the Wiki?

File:Test file for Wiki.docx

Video tutorial
