Replicability Learning Videos
What are the Replicability Learning Videos
The learning videos will be uploaded soon.
About ARCO
ARCO – Action Research for CO-Development is a University centre founded in 2008 at PIN s.c.r.l., Prato (Italy). It offers research, qualified consulting, and training services in social economy, local development, inclusive development, M&E and impact evaluation and circular innovation and sustainable commodities.
ARCO relies on the expertise of a multidisciplinary team and operates both at national and international level.
ARCO also supports the Yunus Social Business Centre University of Florence, the first Italian centre accredited by the Yunus Centre in Dhaka (Bangladesh), founded by the Noble Peace Prize Laureate Muhammad Yunus.
ARCO C/O PIN S.r.c.l. Didactic and Scientific Services for the University of Florence