Consume Palestina

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Consume Palestine: The best practice of the RUWOMED Project

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The project "Sustainable, Equal and Fair. Consume Local, Consume Palestine" is the result of the joint reflection between the main local partner Agricultural Development Association (PARC) and ACPP that we started in 2017. As a result of the joint experience between both organisations, as well as the results and knowledge acquired through the implementation of the RUWOMED project, funded by the ENPI programme of the European Union in the 2009 call for proposals, we know that the activities of cooperatives and women's associations with a productive and economic character are very important in the organisation of rural populations in order to share risks, sources of resources and obtain credit, especially for women.

For this reason, ACPP and PARC have been working since 2017 on the project "Sustainable, egalitarian and fair. Consume Local, Consume Palestine" during three different phases, with the support of the decentralised cooperation of the Generalitat Valenciana.


The working strategy that has materialised in this project is a consequence of the experience gained and the good results generated with the project RUWOMED. This was the beginning or the tangible materialisation of the joint strategy for rural development and gender of ACPP and PARC, as this project gave us the opportunity to carry out various large-scale actions where the lessons learned have been immense and have served to promote a whole strategic axis of action. The objectives of this campaign are:

- Socio-economic empowerment of Palestinian women as decision-makers

- Strengthening the value chain of Palestinian products with criteria of sustainability and responsible consumption

- Promote cooperatives as viable and sustainable socio-economic models, with the aim of contributing to the social transformation of the social, economic, rights and cultural context of Palestinian women.

Useful links to know more about Consume Palestina

Official Website YouTube Channel Official Twitter Account Official Facebook Account Official Instagram Account Official Website La Tenda Article at the ACPP website