The Mediterranean Lab for Co-production 

of Social Innovation

Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress

Demostrative Action in Cerro Amate 09

soporte 22 November 2022

One of the key actions of the MedTOWN project is to promote a shared process between the key agents of the neighborhood and the administration aimed at creating our own complementary currency.

We have already taken some steps such as:

  • Signing of the collaboration agreement with the Seville City Council for the channeling of social service aid to vulnerable people with local currency
  • Informative talk to neighborhood merchant associations for their active participation in the circulation of local currency
  • Contact with the Cerro-Amate district to put the associations and Civil Society in contact with the local currency proposal.

Little by little, steps are being taken to make a local currency in the neighborhood a reality that allows us to meet our needs locally and with higher levels of autonomy, decision-making, and wealth generation in and for the neighborhood.

At this point, how do you imagine a local currency in your neighborhood? what could you do with it? who would you like to meet? What could you offer as a person and as an entity and organization?

If these questions are stimulating to you, we can enter fully into how your project can be related to the currency of the neighborhood… what can we include in our project that generates exchange, wealth, knowledge, skills.

Remember that the currency was created by all of us and now we are the ones who have the power to create our own money.

Social currencies around the world (Source: Community Exchange System CES)