The Mediterranean Lab for Co-production 

of Social Innovation

Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress

Our project and its content 06

soporte 22 November 2022

How can we clearly identify the environment in which the project is developed and how the different elements of the ecosystem where it will be developed affect it?

It is interesting to carry out the analysis of the environment of a project through the PESTEL analysis, where what is happening in our environment and area of ​​development is synthesized and how it influences the project. This approach works on political, economic, social, technological, ecological and legal factors, identifying the risks and opportunities regarding the project and each of the factors analyzed. In this way we can guide the project to face risks and enhance opportunities.

PESTEL analysis graph. (Source: )

We move in complex and changing environments, where factors external to the organization will affect the project you are working on. Forming part of the same system, with interdependent parties, both internal and external to the organization. Therefore we have to analyze the system of our project. The projects are inserted in a specific context that influences them, and it is therefore necessary to take this into account when projecting and defining it, and carry out this work before designing the model and action plan.

It is advisable to carry out this exercise with several people from the organization, to contemplate the different perspectives, experiences and knowledge, thus achieving a result of greater value.

The PESTEL analysis contemplates a series of basic elements to analyze on the context, and can be expanded by other elements. We give the keys to work each one of them.

  • Political Factors , are the political aspects that directly affect the project. This is where social and financing policies for the group with which you work come in, employment regulations, promotion of social policies, stability and the system of government, political conflicts. Also the way in which the different local, regional and national administrations are organized, and the political projects of the parties.
  • Economic factors , we must analyze the economic data and the evolution of the economy, unemployment rates, income level, access to resources and economic cycles. Current and future economic scenarios should also be investigated.
  • ocial Factors , in this section we will assess how social changes affect the project, identifying new social needs, new cultural patterns, the current situation of the groups with which you work, social mobility and changes in lifestyle. Also the educational level, beliefs, gender roles and tastes and preferences. Not only of the groups with which you work, but also of the rest of the population that is in the project environment.
  • Technological Factors, is somewhat more complex to analyze due to the great speed of the changes. We must analyze public investment in technology and how this affects the project. The technological potential for the development of the project, the digital divide, as well as the trends in the use of new technologies.
  • Ecological Factors , where you will have to analyze awareness about environmental conservation, environmental legislation, climate change and temperature variations, natural risks, recycling levels, energy regulation and possible regulatory changes in this area. And how all this affects the project you are working on.
  • Legal Factors , we will identify all the legislation that is directly related to the project, information on licenses, labor legislation, health laws, data protection, etc.

In addition to these factors, other competitors or allies to the project can be analyzed.