MedRiSSE will replicate innovative models for the provision of municipal services & decent work

MedRiSSE project “Replicable innovations of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) in the provision of services and the creation of decent jobs in the recovery after the post-covid crisis” is a cooperation project that seeks to lay the foundations for replicating innovative models throughout the Mediterranean arc that promote the creation of quality jobs, help create businesses and accelerate public-private processes of municipal service provision, within the framework of the social and solidarity economy.
It involves pooling projects that have previous experiences from which to learn to replicate and scale them up in other locations. MedRiSSE will get through the valorization of MedTOWN, MoreThanAJob, MedUP, RUWOMED & IESS; and will develop interesting elements including a Widened Community of Practice, which will include a Replication Toolkit and a Mediterranean Co-Production Laboratory.
The Spanish NGO Asamblea de Cooperación por la Paz (ACPP), Assembly of Cooperation for Peace, is leading this social innovation initiative, that also benefits from the experience of An-Najah National University (Palestine), Oxfam Italy, Palestinian Agricultural Development Association (PARC), The Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD), the Tunisian Center For Social Entrepreneurship (TCSE), ARCO: Action Research for CO – development (University of Florence, Italy), and IesMed: Innovation & Social Economy in Mediteranian (Spain).
MedRiSSE aims to develop a Mediterranean scalability pathway for social innovations that enable the co-production of municipal services with local Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) actors that have emerged from interactions between government and SSE involved in several EU-funded projects. These innovations represent successful and efficient practices for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in general and for the protection of the most vulnerable groups in post-Covid19 economies in the Mediterranean Basin.
MedRiSSE is a capitalization project funded by the European Union under the European Neighbourhood Instrument for cross-border cooperation in the framework of the Mediterranean Basin Programme 2014-2020 (ENI CBC Med). It involves 8 partner entities and 7 associated entities, from 5 countries (Spain, Italy, Palestine, Jordan and Tunisia) with a total budget of 1.1 million euros (90% programme contribution) and an estimated duration of 24 months, until September 2023.
For more information about MedRiSSE, visit:
MedRiSSE web:
Community of Practice: