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MedTOWN: Social & Solidarity Economy, a preferred partner for local administration in the Mediterranean countries
The Greek city of Thessaloniki hosted on 26th January 2022 MedTOWN online ‘International Seminar on Social Innovation and Inclusion’, attended by more than 200 participants…
MedTOWN in Spain presents its call for sub-grants to local entities in Seville
Asamblea de Cooperación por la Paz (ACPP), MedTOWN’s lead beneficary, held an informative session and a workshop at Cerro Amate District in Seville, on March…
MedTOWN takes off in Jordan: How to develop a social and business plan for your small project?
How to develop a social and business plan for your small project? With this question and a long-awaited passion, the first session of the face-to-face training began at…
Upcoming National Workshops: next milestone events in MedTOWN formative programme
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MedTOWN Project: Upcoming virtual Launching Conference & Training of Trainers
The purpose of the event is to bring together important actors in the field, to share experiences and establish a networking learning community among different…