MedTOWN will train local leaders in Palestine to promote citizen’s involvement in waste management

After the signing of MedTOWN’s agreement to implement a complementary currency to promote citizen’s involvement in waste management in Beitillu village things are moving forward in Palestine: By the last week of May, the project’s National Workshop (NW) will involve 25 active participants, as part of our project’s ambitious formative programme “The Phoenix Journey: Transformative Pathways for Ecosocial Co-production”.
The importance of the training in the Palestinian National Workshop:
- Starting from the common programme, it will focus on the waste management loop and ideas about composting, reusing & recycling, and related concepts as circular economy.
- It will transfer to the local and national audience the knowledge gained by the local trainers in MedTOWN’s training of trainers (ToT), generating a cascade effect.
- It will give the participants awareness about co-production and its applications, case studies and successes.
- It will provide information on social & solidarity economy, and the opportunities they provide.
- It will give insight about complementary currencies: how to use them, their importance & examples of applications worldwide.
- It will help participants in choosing initiatives eligible for MedTOWN’s future pilot project’s subgranting call in Palestine & customizing them according to the project’s main goals.
Our project team in Palestine are now in the process of selecting the beneficiaries who will receive the full training as well as finding the way to include the rest of applicants through MedTOWN’s Community of Practice (CoP). The call circulated through the social media received one hundred applications, more than half of them from women, and about 40% from community organizations -as the farmers’ cooperative or the women’s cooperative-, the local council and other civil groups from Beitillu area & close villages.
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