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Economy (from Greek οίκος – "household" and νέμoμαι – "manage") is the management of the resources of a community, country, etc. A given economy is the result of a set of processes that involves its culture, values, education, technological evolution, history, social organization, political structure and legal systems, as well as its geography, natural resource endowment, and ecology, as main factors. These factors give context, content, and set the conditions and parameters in which an economy functions. In other words, the economic domain is a social domain of human practices and transactions. It does not stand alone.
There are various definitions of Social Solidarity Economy (SSE).
According to the International Labor Organisation (ILO), the SSE encompasses enterprises, organizations and other entities that are engaged in economic, social, and environmental activities to serve the collective and/or general interest, which are based on the principles of voluntary cooperation and mutual aid, democratic and/or participatory governance, autonomy and independence, and the primacy of people and social purpose over capital in the distribution and use of surpluses and/or profits as well as assets. SSE entities aspire to long-term viability and sustainability, and to the transition from the informal to the formal economy and operate in all sectors of the economy. They put into practice a set of values which are intrinsic to their functioning and consistent with care for people and planet, equality and fairness, interdependence, self-governance, transparency and accountability, and the attainment of decent work and livelihoods. According to national circumstances, the SSE includes cooperatives, associations, mutual societies, foundations, social enterprises, self-help groups and other entities operating in accordance with the values and principles of the SSE. The SSE contributes to the creation of decent work. More information can be found in the File:ILO Report Decent work and the social 2022.pdf
According to the United Nations Task Force Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE), Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) encompasses organizations and enterprises that:
- have explicit economic and social (and often environmental) objectives;
- involve varying degrees and forms of cooperative, associative and solidarity relations between workers, producers and consumers;
- practice workplace democracy and self-management.
SSE includes traditional forms of cooperatives and mutual associations, as well as women’s self-help groups, community forestry groups, social provisioning organizations or ‘proximity services’, fair trade organizations, associations of informal sector workers, social enterprises, and community currency and alternative finance schemes. SSE contribute in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals set up in the Agenda 2030. More on this topic can be found in the File:UNTFSSE Advancing the 2030 Agenda through the SSE.pdf and in the File:UNTFSSE Paper for SSE Knowledge Hub for SDGs.pdf
According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Social Economy, also referred to in some countries as solidarity economy and/or social and solidarity economy, is made up of a set of organisations such as associations, cooperatives, mutual organisations, foundations, and, more recently, social enterprises. In some cases, community-based, grassroots and spontaneous initiatives are part of the social economy in addition to non-profit organisations, the latter group often being referred to as the solidarity economy. The activity of these entities is typically driven by societal objectives, values of solidarity, the primacy of people over capital and, in most cases, by democratic and participative governance. OECD has carried out many studies and reports with regards to the Legal Framework of SSE in various countries as well as with regards to measures that could support further the SSE. File:OECD Legal frameworks for the SSE.pdf
This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.
Pages in category "Social and Solidarity Economy"
The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.
Media in category "Social and Solidarity Economy"
The following 8 files are in this category, out of 8 total.
- Book Keeping.pdf ; 691 KB
- Entrepreneurship.pdf ; 1.49 MB
- Feasibility Study.pdf ; 1.32 MB
- National Workshop material.pdf ; 1.63 MB
- دراسة الجدوى الاقتصادية.pdf ; 2.11 MB
- ريادة الأعمال.pdf ; 1.67 MB
- محور المالية.pdf ; 1.08 MB
- مشروع ميدتاون.pdf ; 1.82 MB