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The financial crisis in Europe, as well as the unstable financial and political situation in many Mediterranean Partner Countries, sorely tested the applied economic model. Furthermore, around 15 million persons (migrants and refugees) born in a third country currently live in the region and need to find a job or enter the education system. It has become apparent that new and credible alternatives to the mainstream economy are needed. These transformations in the economy and the society have brought increased attention to the social and solidarity economy (SSE) actors that have been capable of helping to turn the challenges into opportunities. Nevertheless, for the SSE initiatives to be efficient, effective collaboration with the public authorities is fundamental. MoreThanAJob will deliver and demonstrate a framework of best practices, previously identified and studied for the inclusion of the unemployed (including refugees and uneducated) in the work and education system. The framework is based on the collaboration of SSE actors and public authorities for delivering in a more effective way their services. This will be done through pilot sub-projects aiming to ensure a long-term impact and the creation of jobs.
MoreThanAJob will enforce social inclusion of vulnerable, unemployed populations by applying best practices for more effective collaboration of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) actors with the public administration.
More information
MoreThanAJob Project stresses the path of social and economic inclusion through the accessibility to a decent job for a vast range of people at risk of marginalization, including migrants, poorly educated or low-skilled persons, disadvantaged women, young persons out of the job market.
Building upon pre-existent cooperation patterns, the project involves a plethora of stakeholders, from the academia to the public sector, from the private to the non-profit. All five countries participating in the project – Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Italy, and Greece – share a similar scenario: a multifaceted negative spill-over of the economic crises, starting from 2008 onwards, and a high percentage of refugees. Around 15 million people (migrants and refugees) born in a third country are currently living in the region and need to find a job or to enter the educational system. These people constitute the ultimate target of the project, together with other marginalized categories, including a vast portion of youth – heavily present in the region – neither in employment nor in education or training (NEET). Each country, and each territory is struggling now to face the same issues. By analyzing and considering differences and similarities, the project aims at joining forces and facing the problem together.
Main beneficiaries :
- Public authorities involved in the delivery of services in the field of education and employment
- SSE organizations active in the field of education, training, and employment
- Vulnerable groups as the unemployed, ow-skilled people, and refugees
The project design involves 3 pillars of activities:
- Development of MoreThanAJob Framework by adapting international good practices to local features
- Training seminars for SSE actors and public administration representatives
- Financial support to SSE actors to implement innovative SSE-Public administration cooperation initiatives
- Recommendations for translation of the MoreThanAJob framework in effective programmes and policies at the national level
- MoreThanAJob portal as an online cooperation space between the different stakeholders
The capacitation is achieved through a programme of training and trainings-of-trainers – for SSE actors and public administrators – to enhance the capacity of public authorities to plan and implement social services. Integrated policy approaches to social inclusion were designed during a series of seminars, focused on the role of social economy in promoting inclusion among vulnerable groups. The main scope is to create an environment where ownership is shared among local institutions and service providers. Beyond traditional training, the workshops explored a peer-to-peer dimension towards the creation of a propitious ecosystem for the social inclusion. Also, the capacitation pushes organisations towards a social entrepreneurial approach, stressing professionalism, management and financial sustainability. The empowerment of SSE actors is promoted also through the direct financial support of 200.000 € in sub-grants for the implementation of innovative initiatives in social services schemes, with the aim of making the project a catalyzer for hopefully 500 new jobs per year. Between May and June 2021, calls for subgrants to SSE actors have been launched in Greece, Palestine, Jordan and Italy.
The networking is assured also through the development of an online portal, aiming at supporting the cooperation and dialogue between SSE actors and public administrations. The portal is an indirect communication channel for the partnership but in perspective one of the purposes of the portal is to allow communication in English, Arabic, Italian, Greek, and English because the differences in the partnership make the exchange rich and heterogeneous.” More broadly, the portal provides access to the welfare services for the final beneficiaries on their territories and at the same time connects practices from the four countries.
Lead beneficiary - An-Najah National University - Palestine
- Partner 1 - Nablus chamber of commerce and industry (NCCI) - Palestine
- Partner 2 - Mutah University (MUTAH) - Jordan
- Partner 3 - Business Consultancy and Training Services (BCTS) - Lebanon
- Partner 4 - CESIE - Italy
- Partner 5 - Eurotraining Educational Organization SA (EUROTRAINING) - Greece
Useful links to know more about MoreThanAJob
- MoreThanAJob Project description
- MoreThanAJob YouTube channel
- MoreThanAJob E-Portal
- Official Facebook channel
- Official Twitter channel
- Official LinkedIn Page
Policy Brief V3
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