MedTOWN Portuguese National Workshop on Community & Eco-Social Co-production

Goal of the workshop:
To share solidarity economy concepts and tools that meet the human needs of the community, considering the natural environment where they exist, not threatening it and promoting well-being and social justice, within planetary limits.
Online sessions via zoom:
6, 13, 20, 27th of April 2021 Tuesdays 10-13h (Portuguese time)
On-site session at Bela Flor Agroforest:
Thursday 29th of April 2021, 10-13h (Portuguese time), including lunch together.
Bilateral Meetings
More info on MedTOWN activities in Portugal:
MedTOWN supports development of community agroforestry project in Portugal | ENI CBC Med
[MedTOWN] Campolide Agroforest: a shortcut to resilience | ENI CBC Med