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07. How to Develop a Local Ecosystem of SSE Based on CITESS Methodology
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Developing a local ecosystem of SSEDeveloping a local ecosystem of SSE
What is the CitESS methodology?What is the CitESS methodology?
Practical Implementation MethodKey elements of the process
Phase 0. Triggering factors
Phase 1. Multi-stakeholder & participatory consultation process
Phase 2. Setup & activation the CitESS pole
Phase 3. Promoting CitESS sustainability
Key contextual determinantsSocial context
Actors and organisations
Drawbacks and risksGovernance risks
Economic dependancy
Risk of a top-down process
Case studyCase study
E-learning course materialE-learning course material
QuizQuiz: "How to Develop a Local Ecosystem of SSE Based on CITESS Methodology"1 Quiz
Participants 2
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