In this phase we will focus on identifying the key measures that can be implemented to promote the sustainability of the CitESS multi-service pole. For this purpose, we will classify these measures according to financial sustainability, institutional sustainability, technical sustainability and social sustainability.
Financial Sustainability
Sugested Actions for Financial Sustainabiity |
· Questioning the financial sustainability of the CitESS pole is crucial and should be voiced and debated since the initial consultation phase. It is fundamental to diversify funding and avoid depending on public financing or international cooperation donors. For this reason, a CitESS pole needs to rely on a more viable and mixed economic model. One solution is to develop and offer SSE support services which are attractive to clients (i.e. SSE actors, public or private actors) in order to secure a self-financing channel. |
Self-assessment questions
- Which How can you ensure financial sustainability of the CitESS in your territory? Is there a possibility to diversify funding and avoid relying only on public financing or international cooperation donors? Are there SSE support services that can be attractive to SSE actors in your territory and that can ensure a self-financing channel to support the CitESS? How can you ensure such services do not compete with existing ones?
Suggested Actions for Institutional Sustainabiity |
Formalisation and Institutionalization are essential for sustainability: · Firstly, set up an effective governance of the CitESS including all the key multi-sector territorial actors and stakeholders and guaranteeing an effective, yet inclusive, democratic, and participatory decision-making process and management. · Secondly, formalizing CitESS role, objectives, pursued values, and governance structure is key to ensuring lasting structures, strong participation, long-term functioning, and good governance of the pole. Opt for a legal form which best reflects CitESS nature and values and allows for good and long-lasting governance (i.e. cooperative, association). Make sure such legal form allows to involve key territorial actors coming from the public, private, Academia and civil society sectors. |
Self-assessment questions
- What kind of governance structure could benefit the CitESS in your territory in order to guarantee an effective, yet inclusive, democratic, and participatory decision-making process and management?
- Which available legal form in your territory could and best reflect CitESS nature and values allowing for good and long-lasting governance?
Technical Sustainability
Suggested Actions for Technical Sustainabiity |
· Work to strengthen existing entrepreneurial support structures, especially public ones, as a way of ensuring that the new skills acquired are retained by the territorial institutions. · When multi-actor and multi-sector collaborations prove to be successful, actors are more likely to pursue and replicate a collaborative approach in the long run. Make sure you effectively support, foster and advocate successful multi-actor and multi-sector collaborations in your territory. |
Self-assessment questions
- How can you strengthen existing entrepreneurial support structures, especially public ones, as a way of ensuring that the new skills acquired are retained by the territorial institutions?
- Should connections and collaborations established among public-private stakeholders in your territory prove to be successful, how can you best ensure they will continue in the future? How can you ensure they have wide visibility to inspire other collaborations?
Social Sustainability
Suggested Actions for Social Sustainability |
· Creating and fostering strong and rooted links with the territory and with local actors and communities is key to CitESS sustainability. For this reason, it is essential to map and address the community’s real needs and issues, focus on actors who are already existing and active in the territory, connect them together and create synergy at different levels and sectors. |
Self-assessment questions
- How can you create and foster strong and rooted links with your territory and with local actors and communities?